Heimat – konservativ, progressiv, traditionell? (Homeland – conservative, progressive, traditional?)

On the occasion of the 300th birthday of Justus Möser

Panel discussion with

© Andreas Amann

Prof. Dr. Holger Böning

Media historian, University of Bremen

© Kurt Fuchs

Joachim Herrmann

Bavarian Minister of the Interior

© Deutscher Bundestag | Inga Haar

Filiz Polat

Member of the Bundestag Bündnis 90/Die Grünen

© Gabriele Bärtels

Verena Schmitt-Roschmann

Correspondent, author and columnist

Prof. Dr. Reinhold Mokrosch, Osnabrück University

Home is controversial. Some people associate home with a feeling of well-being with friends, acquaintances, relatives, neighbours and good working conditions – regardless of where they were born. “Ubi bene, ibi patria” (where there is beauty, there is home) was already said by Cicero in ancient Rome. The others tie home and feelings of home to the place where they grew up and built up reliability and trust.

The times when political parties, religious communities or cultural habits made home possible are passé. Today, people have to find their home by their own efforts in order to overcome foreignness and alienation. Can one say: My home is music, science, politics? Or even: My home is the forest, the mountains, the sea? Or does this emotional dimension also include a social, economic and political dimension? These questions were discussed with a highly qualified panel. At the same time, we recalled the understanding of home by Justus Möser, who celebrated his 300th birthday last year.

25. November 2021, 19.15 Uhr, Aula der Universität, Neuer Graben 29 / Schloss

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Heimat – konservativ, progressiv, traditionell?

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